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HUA SHAN DIN by Cosmos Creation

Capturing the Aura of Spaces by Photographer Wei-ming Yuan

All of these photographs were shot en route, on a journey. For me, travel photography seeks out soulful resonance in an unfamiliar place. And so, the images captured are a result of a specific anticipation, and simultaneously, present a perpetual surprise. The presence of this sense of surprise indirectly attests to the unique experience of being physically present in the actual environment.

A scene first triggers visual interest, followed by observations that reveal a hidden life phenomenon within the scene. The elements that make up the scene begin to dialogue, until a relationship and context begins to emerge. Photography is the use of images to document the varied and manifold dramas that occur within a scene.

Capturing the aura of spaces
Date of exhibition: 1 July~3 Sep. 2018
Opening Reception: 14:00-16:00,14 Jul. 2018
Seminar: 14:00-16:00, 1 Sep. 2018

About Artist Wei-ming Yuan

2018 Kyotographie international photography festival, “The dialogue of silence” solo exhibition
2018 Photofairs San Fransisco art fair
2017 Paris FOTO FEVER photography art fair
2017 “Ordinary Scene and Quodis Arcana”, solo exhibition, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi international photography contest
2016 Shin Kong Mitsukoshi international photography contest, First prize
2014 Retired from his post as associate professor
1982 ‘Taiwan Architect”magazine photography contest, Golden Award
1974 Studied Architecture for Master degree in Washington University, he also pursue independent study in photography at the School of Fine Arts.
1970 Graduated from the Department of Architecture in Tunghai University
1948 Born in Guangzhou, China